Nurturing a change and ushering a paradigm shift among youths is a dream and a passion that drives me forward in my NEIMUN journey. The Moment I saw the NEIMUN flyers for its first conference in Kohima, Nagaland I realized straightaway that this was the cream I need for delivering a change I dreamt of. I went straight ahead not to miss this opportunity express. It was in fact a calling letter to make a positive impact for the future. I never realized back then. I attended the first conference as a delegate representing Lebanon at SOCHUM Committee on the issue of child soldiers and bagged the Diplomacy Award. I learned the art of diplomacy, policy making, lobbying, writing resolution, public speaking and other possible stuffs NEIMUN could offer . The after impacts of NEIMUN never cease and yearning more, it jolted my outlook and open up my inner thoughts on the problems, issues and possible solutions that can be derived. As an outcome, I helped in initiating the first Model UN club in Manipur and have my chitty bang ride into the world of social activism the succeeding year. NEIMUN honed my leaderships skills by allowing me to serve as the USG in the 2nd conference. Then, I started a youth led change movement called “Planting A Thousand Lives” and involved in different NGOs like Human Rights Alert, Rural Women Upliftment Society, Coalition on Environment and Natural Resources, Indian Youth Climate Network, National Campaign on Dalit Human Rights and Hands Network along with Global Campaigns cutting across human rights, environment and gender issues. NEIMUN has shown and guided me the right path like the moon in the darkest night and has helped me derive equations to solve the algebra of social issues with thesis of social realities. Today I stand as a Youth and Social Activist, Feminist and Peace builder in my own region. NEIMUN capacitates every dreams and is ready to nurture when embarked.‘ I Am NEIMUNed to the fullest’ and Are You Ready To Be?
DENNIS L. HRANGCHAL Delegate 2013 and Secretariat 2014 |