NEIMUN has always been a 'not so confident' step to take. After 2 years of just applying and missing several MUNs due to tight schedule of college, in the year 2018 I decided to go ahead at NEIMUN that happened in Dimapur, Nagaland. I was freaked out before being there, asking several questions for knowing how it would be regarding Position Paper, caucus and elections. But as things were flowing, I just felt so glad and happy that I met the super enthusiastic youths (Delegates) and trainers, the GA and committee sessions, social nights, supportive Secretariat members and the valuable friendships that just happened with the course of such a short span of time without putting much efforts. Also, to add up the thing that I loved the most in those 3 days was following few things to move towards sustainability. From not wasting food to using steel utensils for having it was what made me happy of being there. I was extremely delighted to see the simplest yet substantial actions being taken. And yes it worked out to channelise the learnings in several ways, even if diplomacy was/is never what I aim towards. The theme 'Youth, Peace and Security' took me there then and now acknowledged.