Reshmi Sunar holds a Bachelor's Degree in Political Science from St. Anthony's College, Shillong, India. She is currently working as a UN Trainee at the United Nations Populations Fund, Nepal. Her deep curiosity and hunger to aid her learnings on humanitarian issues of contemporary relevances led her to the world of Model United Nations in 2015. Since then, she has participated in National and International MUNs as a delegate, dais as well as organizer. Her association with MUNs has been life-changing, enriching, and empowering.
She believes that MUNs are a great platform for young people to learn and equip themselves with skills to understand the complex issues of the world. She is deeply passionate about working with young people and advocating the role of youths in their respective communities.
She believes that MUNs are a great platform for young people to learn and equip themselves with skills to understand the complex issues of the world. She is deeply passionate about working with young people and advocating the role of youths in their respective communities.